n our first day of sightseeing we visited places around Seoul and Incheon. Our guide is a wealth of Korean history – most of which I didn’t know. I knew of the Korean War, but not any details on what started it, or the importance General MacArthur played in reclaiming Seoul from North Koreans, why the treaty with “North Korea” wasn’t signed by “South” Korea or the Japanese occupation of Korea in the early 20th Century. I seem to learn world history through my travels, and am always amazed at how much I don’t know! We visited the Seodeumum Prison which was built in 1908 during the Japanese occupation to detail freedom activists, the people that fought for Korean independence and the War Memorial, where we focused our tour on the Korean War exhibits.</p>

Left: MacAruthur – overlooking Incheon Bay in Freedom Park, Incheon
Right: Korean Flag in Seodaemun Prison, Seoul