LA 2020 (Before Covid)

In early March, before Covid became a household word and before any of us knew how this virus would impact our lives, Marie and I took a trip to LA to visit museums and get in some fabric shopping.

We took some time at the LA County Art Museum, a favorite. On the last day we toured of the Fashion Institute of Design Museum. We had never gone to this museum before and we were in for a special treat. 

Marie shares my love all all things fabric and we can spend hours (and have) in fabric stores, touching everything in sight. 

Going to the Phoenix Art Museum to see the latest fashion exhibits was something we both enjoyed.  We could study the garment trying to figure out how it was made and spend months after our visit still discussing what we had seen. Marie, being a true artist, gave me a different appreciation of everything we would see. I never enjoyed early periods of art until Marie suggested I look at the details on the clothing.  Fresh eyes…

Marie also loves a good food adventure.  So we always try Ethiopian and Korean and anything else that looks inviting. 




Marie in front of Oriental Silk

Top right: Oriental Silk sign

Bottom right, Marie’s painting of the sign. 

Unusual ribbons
Cluny Lace
Ken cutting a linen for a skirt for Julianna



Luscious fabrics
Lace handkerchief
Lace handkerchief
A gift from Marie
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The pictures that follow are from the Fashion Institute of Design Institute Museum’s display.  We were lucky to see some of the Downton Abbey costumes.  Oh I loved seeing all the detail.

Downton Abbey costumes
Downton Abbey costume - oh the detail
I love detail!
Look at how the fabric was used!